Monday, February 3, 2014

Dawncake (Miyahara) 宫原眼科

Has it really been 2 months since I last updated? I know it's such a cliché, but the days just flew right past. Alright, enough chit-chat, let's talk about one of my favourite shops in Taiwan instead - Dawncake (Miyahara) 宫原眼科. It is housed in a historical building that used to be a Japanese eye hospital, hence its English name, 'Miyahara Ophthalmology Department'.

What's so great about this shop? First up, the decor!

Is this Hogwarts?

One of the first things you will notice is this impressive floor to ceiling (fake) bookshelves. Even though they aren't real books, it is almost as if you are stepping into an old library. It is amazing how the store is able to retain its historical heritage through the nostalgic and rustic decor and furniture. For example, the fake books on the shelves were actually made from the old wood in the building. Pretty cool, eh?

And check out how beautiful the packaging of their products are! About half of the packaging are designed with the whole books theme and with a very strong Japanese influence. 

Inside these boxes are morsels of their delicious sun biscuits, pineapple cakes and many other flavoured cookies. I have to say that Dawncakes' sun biscuits and pineapple cakes might just be my favourite among all that I've tried before. The tai yang bing is soft and light without being overly flakey, and the filling even has a touch of honey. The pineapple cake is buttery and the jam has just the right amount of sweetness and tartness. But these goodies do not come cheap, the smallest box of 8 sun biscuits costs NT280 and a box of 15 pineapple cakes cost NT360. Which is a pity, since they are so delicious and pretty to look at!

Besides these pastries, there is actually a dining area on the second level where you get to eat the pastries and order from a (mostly) western menu, but take note that the minimum spending of each person dining there is NT380. Also, there is a small little nook selling their bubble tea as well. I tried one of their bubble tea beverage and I have to say it was rather disappointing as it was rather diluted and the pearls were too tough.

Little nook selling bubble tea

Okay I have saved the best for the last, its now time to talk about their ice cream shop!

Look at all these different chocolate ice cream options!

LOOK AT ALL THE DIFFERENT CHOCOLATE AND MILK TEA ICE CREAM OPTIONS. I'm not kidding, these are all the different chocolate and milk tea ice cream flavours, and there is still a fruit/sorbet section. The chocolate ice cream options varies in terms of their percentage of cocoa and the country of origin, whilst the milk tea flavours differs in the type of tea.

As though these ice cream flavours are not appealing enough, take a look at all the toppings that you can choose from:

You MUST choose the pineapple cake, it's a no-brainer. The only (slight) downside is that there is a queue for the ice cream, but the wait for me was only about 15 minutes and I spent most of the time deliberating on which flavours to get. Oh by the way, the ice cream store is to the right of the main store, it is not accessible from the main store but from the outside pathway instead. To order, the staff will pass you a small form that lists all the flavours and you simply have to indicate which flavours you want and whether or not you want the toppings.

Now, take a look at this and tell me if queuing for this is worth it or not!

YES, it is definitely worth the queue!

If you're a huge fan of bubble tea, you will definitely enjoy this dessert! The taste of the tea is distinct enough and the chocolate ice cream is rich, the toppings are a great addition to this sweet treat too. It is a tad bit icy though but it may have just been the batch that we got. Choosing among the many ice cream options and toppings definitely added on to the whole novelty and experience! 

If you are planning to visit Taichung, visiting this place is highly recommended! Even if the ice cream and pastries doesn't interest you, it is still worth stopping by to check out their impressive store decor and conservation efforts.

Dawncake (Miyahara) 宫原眼科
No.20 Zhongshan Road, Taichung, Taiwan 

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